Here‘s What You Should Do If There’s Severe Weather
With warm temperatures and humid weather, the combination of the two creates perfect conditions for storm weather. The Pro Shop monitors weather conditions by computer, radio and television to be aware of any growing storms in the area. If you are out playing a round of golf and the weather report shows a chance of storms, here’s what you should do:
For Thunderstorms
- Ask the Pro Shop which holes they blow the horn at/around. If you are farther from where the horn will be blown, keep in mind it won’t be as distinct compared to if you were on that specific hole.
- The horn is blown based off how fast a storm is moving and when lightning strikes within a certain distance. Therefore, when the horn is blown immediately head to the Pro Shop. Please note the Pro Shop monitors nearby storms and will give an appropriate amount of time to return to safety.
- Stay inside the building until the Pro Shop gives you a verbal “ok” that the conditions are now safe to continue playing if you choose.
For Tornados
- Again, ask the Pro Shop which holes they blow the horn at/around. If you are farther from where the horn will be blown, keep in mind it won’t be as distinct then if you were on that specific hole.
- The horn is blown based off how fast a storm is moving and when funnel clouds are spotted within a certain distance. When the horn is blown, immediately head to the Pro Shop and go to a room without windows. Please note the Pro Shop monitors nearby storms and will give an appropriate amount of time to return to safety.
- Stay inside the building until a Pro Shop staff gives you a verbal “ok” that the conditions are now safe to exit the building and continue playing if you choose.
Remember to follow these simple procedures while you’re playing- it is for your safety and the safety of the people golfing around you.